Bon Nadal!



Bon Nadal to you all!

Thought I’d write a last quick blog, mainly to wish you all a very happy Christmas and say thankyou so much for your love, care, prayer and wonderfulness this past year…It’s certainly been a year like no other! We have so appreciated the cards and letters, little parcels, gifts of money, emails…we’ve felt incredibly loved and looked after. In times when it’s been difficult, you’ve helped us carry on, and in times when it’s been amazing, you’ve celebrated with us. Thank you.

We’re looking forward to heading back to the UK this week, it’ll be good to have some time with family and friends and have a rest! I’m excited…and slightly nervous given how cold it looks! I’m packing gloves in my hand luggage and Asha’s hat is already in my handbag! We’ve heard there might even be snow… Abby told Asha today that it will be cold in England, to which Asha responded ‘WHAT?!?!!’ She’s clearly become a sun lover these past 11 months!

We’ve learnt SO much this past year, about the Romani, about prayer, Spanish and Catalan, about ourselves and each other…it’s been something more like a learning vertical than a learning curve….and we know there will be a LOT more learning still to come (but then it never ends does it?!)…but in the meantime, we’re looking forward to some mulled wine and a mince pie, and being able to understand everything people say – woohoo!

I’ve been terrible at Christmas cards this year, in fact, I’ve sent precisely ONE card…so take this as a card, even though it’s not personal…I’ll endeavour to do better next year!


Ooooh, nearly forgot…the language exchange we’ve started is going really well – we’ve got a little core group of people who come a couple of times a week with the promise of many more hoping to join us in the new year. It’s been such a blessing to us, we’ve met great people who are starting to feel like friends! And our language is definitely improving because of it. Think we’ll be in GREAT need of the exchange after 3 weeks in the UK!

Right, I’m off to pack…see some of you in the UK!

Loads of love, have a good festive season…thankyou for all your prayer,

Love Lydie, Danny & Asha (and Monkey…naturally). x

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